Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 82 – Gordon Dibbs


No to Tan8



I wish to object to Tan8 for the fowolling reasons.


1.  Mid Wales is a beautiful area some of the best upland scenery south of Scotland with superb view of a unique



2.  Devastating my home with Turbines on two sides of me up to 600ft high and on a third side,high powered

     Pylons.  The highest thing in the landscape at the moument is trees of about 40 to50 feet.


3.  This will also cause a depreciation of my house and land of  I am told about 70%


4.  Apart from being visually obtrusive there is also the effect on our health.


5.  There does not seem to be any studies done on these latest Turbines of over 600ft high


6.  The main industry in this area is Tourisium £650m per year once word gets around, how many tourists

      will vote with their feet and avoid what is left of upland Powys and the Kerry Ridgeway. 

      Where will the replacement revenue come from.


7.   Birds  Iam in a very fortunate position of having birds of prey flying over my farm including barn owls,

      sparrow harks,buzzards and  "The great welsh success story" THE RED KITE  now the emblem for

      Powys c.c.(Germany had tremendous bird deaths with turbines a third of the size proposed for this area).


8     Last info from the turbine company was that they would be less than 500m from my farm.


9.   Effect on water supplies to farms and suspect water flooding,three rivers rise within  aquarter of a

      mile of my home.


10  No assessment done on the total effect of Tan8 scheme



    Gordon G,Dibbs